I Will Not Quit
Quitters never win and a Winners never quit. I am a Winner, I will not quit.
The possibilities within me are greater than those within the Greatest people who’ve ever lived. I will use the gifts and talents God has given me.
Because I want to win, I will stay by myself or around people who believe “You Can” instead of “You Can’t”. I will keep the word “impossible” out of my vocabulary and I will win!
I will set small goals and achieve them so I can gain the necessary confidence to achieve my bigger goals.
All things are possible because I know that when I start I will win! I won’t give up and I will not quit!
Should the course get rough I will take one day at a time. The Holy Spirit will always be with me to make sure I take each step; however shaky, I will take the next step. If I quit, the ball stops rolling. I won’t give up and I will not quit!
I will dream it. I will believe it. I will stay with it and do it. I will not worry about tough times. If I don’t go through these experiences I will not know the good times when they come. I may be facing lack and despair but I choose not to stay here. I won’t give up and I will not quit!
Today, the greatest thing I can do is thank God that I woke up this morning. Today I will use this day to make positive steps towards my goals. I won’t give up and I will not quit!
I will put God first and He will guide me through my day. The race is not for the swift, but for the strong. I keep my goals in plain sight and I stay the course. I won’t give up and I will not quit!
It’s not what others think about me that counts, it’s what I think of myself. I am not a minority because God and one individual is an absolute majority. I won’t give up and I will not quit!
When things so wrong as they sometimes will and the road I’m trudging seems all up hill; when the funds are low and the debts are high, and I want to smile, but I can only sigh; when care is pressing me down a bit…I’ll rest; but I won’t give up and I will not quit!
Life may seem bizarre with its twists and turn, as I have learned, but many a failure has turned around because I’ve stuck it out; though my pace may seem slow; I will succeed with another blow. I won’t give up and I will not quit!
My goal is nearer than it seems; I will not faint or falter and I will win the victor’s cup. Success is failure turned inside out; it’s the silver lining to the clouds of doubt. I will stick to the fight when I’m hardest hit because when things seem to be at their worst, I won’t give up and I will not quit! I am a Winner, and winners don’t quit!